Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Kindergarten | F?nf in Deutschland

This is a story of the Kindergarten journey our family has taken this year in German. It?s mostly Walter?s story, and mine too, but all five of us have been affected by one of us being unhappy. It?s a lengthy essay, one that has been brewing in my head for several months, as I waited to see how it might end. For the past several weeks I?ve been drafting it on my computer, hoping for a sign that a positive resolution had finally been found. Thankfully, Walter drew me a picture to let me know things were OK.

Kindergarten was first conceived by German education philosopher, Friedrich Fr?bel, who coined the term in 1840 for an early childhood institute he had founded in Blankenburg, Thuringia. Until this time, almost no formal early-childhood education existed in most countries with the exception of church-run nursery schools for poor children. Fr?bel?s Kindergartens were for children from all social classes and religions, and his philosophy included the belief that early childhood education could be a social equalizer.

Concerned that children were not able to get a broad based early education from their mothers at home, Fr?bel promoted supportive, nurturing classrooms, recognizing the vast learning capacity and brain development of very young children. Fr?bel engaged women to staff Kindergartens, providing some of the only paid employment for women of the time, and therefore tying the Kindergarten movement to the emerging feminist movement of the era. He started training institutes for women interested in staffing Kindergartens, and his teaching force underscored the ideals of social tolerance and equality.

Fr?bel?s philosophy and the Kindergarten movement spread throughout the West during the mid-19th century, and the first American Kindergarten was founded in Wisconsin in 1853. Fr?bel?s work contributed to the thinking of subsequent education philosophers who also greatly influenced early-childhood education including Austrian Rudolph Steiner who began the Waldorf school movement, and Italian Maria Montessori.

With such noble roots, including ties to social justice and feminism, the prospect of sending my son Walter to Kindergarten in Germany should have been a good one. Although, as it has turned out, Kindergarten in Germany has been nowhere close to the high quality experience Walter would have been assured of in Vermont.

Walter's picture of the plane we took to Germany

There is a somewhat confusing distinction between German and American Kindergarten I should clear up before going too deep. Kindergarten in the United States is for just one year, usually for five- to six-year olds, and is generally the first year of ?formal? elementary schooling. Kindergarten in Germany generally serves children three- to six-years old, and is separate from ?formal? schooling. First class is the first year of Grundschule, the German elementary school. Most German children enter first class at age six, which corresponds with the usual entrance age for first grade in an American elementary school. So, in order to be fairly comparing the schooling options for children of the same age group in both countries, I will compare German Kindergarten to what is generally known as American preschool, plus Kindergarten.

The early childhood programs in our hometown of Middlebury, Vermont are top-notch. And in learning about Fr?bel and his philosophy and motives for creating Kindergarten, the Middlebury early childhood programs are clearly in line with the roots of Kindergarten. The largest and most prominent program is the Mary Johnson Children?s Center (MJCC). The Center is run by two whip-smart, extremely organized and strong women, who I am certain hold fast to the belief that early-childhood education can be a great social equalizer.

The Center?s driving pedagogical influence is the Reggio Emilia Approach to early childhood education that was developed in northern Italy following the ravages of World War II. It is a child-centered approach that affords children the control to shape their educational experience in partnership with the teacher and classmates, drawing heavily from a child?s unique experience in his or her larger environment and world. Between Anya and Walter, my kids spent three years at MJCC, during which time I was extremely impressed with the high quality of the teaching staff, who were well trained in Reggio and completely dedicated to the well-being of the children as individuals.

All three of my children also attended the Middlebury Cooperative Nursery School (MCNS), which is the oldest preschool in Middlebury and was an independent, parent-run cooperative for over 70 years. A few years ago, MCNS merged with MJCC in order to strengthen the financial and programmatic footings of the school. The organized, yet creative Reggio program, combined with the crunchy Vermont co-op approach, created what I believe to be the strongest preschool in the area. All three of my children, but most especially Walter, thrived at MCNS.

Further, Middlebury?s Mary Hogan Elementary School has, I believe, one of the strongest Kindergarten programs anywhere. Both Anya and Greta are beneficiaries of this Kindergarten experience, which provides a firm foundation for formal schooling for children across the social, academic, and emotional spectra. The saying, ?All I ever really need to know, I learned in Kindergarten,? may actually be true for kids who are lucky enough to be in Middlebury?s Kindergarten program.

Walter drew this map of Africa & Europe freehand, from memory of time spent studying the globe

Walter thrived so much at MCNS in large part because he had a teacher who truly got him. Walter is an extremely focused child, who prefers to work alone on tasks, and whose standards of perfection are quite high. From a very young age, Walter has been an exceptional drawer and a lover of locomotives. Since he?s been able to hold a pencil, drawing trains has been Walter?s favorite activity, one that also served as a comfort for him during transitions and moments of uncertainty or grumpiness. Getting him involved with creating a rendition of a train was a certain way to calm him down and make him happy. Every teacher he had, from nine months on, knew that trains and drawing were Walter?s passions. Tap into those passions and you had Walter on your side.

Walter got a lot of attention from other kids, parents and teachers for his intricate drawings, but he did not really like the attention. He preferred to focus on his work and be left alone. Playdates were often difficult for him, and parties or crowds were almost impossible. It was rare for him to make it through an entire birthday party without asking to leave. Festivals or concerts or group activities caused him to melt down, as the noise and chaos were too much. And even with his best friend next door, Walter often cut playdates short because he became overwhelmed and needed time to himself to draw.

But Walter?s teacher at MCNS understood all of this intuitively. She spent a few weeks with Walter, listened to his stories, watched him draw, and somehow understood how to tap into his ability to investigate and create. Despite his aversion to noise, Walter loves to talk, especially to adults. He tends to monologue about his intricate knowledge of specific things ? how trains work was his primary topic for many years. Katie listened, but then figured out just when to ask the exact right question which would inspire Walter to want to learn more, together. Let?s make rockets, create an ocean, draw self-portraits. Katie made Walter into a class leader by tapping into his innate desire to focus on a subject, perfect the details, and thus discover its beauty.

This is what Walter had grown up with until age 5 ? ? a string of teachers who understood his passions and enabled him to follow them, and then one particularly special teacher who understood his complete self.? And then we came to Germany.

I had actually been warned by a German friend in Vermont that I would hate German Kindergartens, and that I should do all I could to get Walter into first grade. So, while registering Anya for second grade here, I corresponded extensively with the principal of the school about what to do with Walter. With a mid-January birthday, Walter just missed the cut-off for early entry into first grade. Generally kids have to be six-years-old by August 1st to enter first grade, but early entrance of children who turn six before December 31st is quite common. Schools meet with a child and his or her parents individually to test the child to determine readiness for first grade. Because of what I explained to her about American Kindergarten, the principal agreed to meet with us and give Walter the test.

Two weeks after we arrived, Walter and I met with the principal. I was impressed that she would take so much time to personally administer an early-entrance exam on the day before school started. I was equally impressed by the test, which sought to determine a child?s ability to listen; follow directions; identify letters, numbers and words; recognize irregularities in scenes; perform basic computations; and follow the logical pattern of a story. And the way the test was administered, in a personal atmosphere that included conversation and ?getting-to-know-you? questions, it also helped determine the social and emotional maturity of a child.

The principal did her very best to translate the test as she was giving it, so that Walter could be judged in English. She was sweet and unintimidating and at first Walter enjoyed the test. But, the test was extensive, and his attention waned. When she got to the portion about word and letter-sound identification, the translation became more difficult. She pointed to a picture of a daisy, and Walter said ?flower,? but what she was trying to establish was his ability to say the ?B? sound, for ?Blume.? She came up with the word ?banana? which is more or less the same in German and English. He said the ?b? just fine, but then she asked him to spell it! B-A-N-A-N-A ? with all of those Ns and As, it?s a certain trap for young spellers, much less five-year-olds.

An aquarium full of Walter's beloved fish

And at that, Walter was done. He couldn?t spell banana and for several minutes had been begging me to let him draw. He refused to take the rest of the test. The principal watched him draw a perfect clown fish, and then cut it out exactly along the intricate lines. She was impressed, but told me that she recommended Walter go to Kindergarten. She said that if he could speak German, she?d recommend first grade as he?s clearly very smart, but she thought he wouldn?t be able to keep up in his second language.

And, despite my early leanings toward bumping him up to first grade, I agreed with the principal. I too thought that sending him to a new kind of school in a new country in a new language would be too much for him. I had found a Kindergarten that had an open spot and friendly teachers. While the facility wasn?t great, it had a beautiful playground with a gorgeous old sycamore tree in the middle. It seemed familiar to Walter and me, and most of all, they had a spot and it was close to our house. I enrolled him.

Free spots are extremely difficult to find in German Kindergartens, as the supply is nowhere near sufficient to meet the demand. Everyone told me that if I could find a spot, I should take it. At home, armed with too much information, I went crazy with stress and indecision, trying to find the perfect preschool option for my kids. Here, I knew nothing, and because my German skills are so basic, I could only ask a few simple questions when I contacted Kindergartens. ?Haben Sie einen freie Platz?? was the most important question it seemed.

I inquired at all of the Kindergartens in our neighborhood and found one free spot. We have no car, and three kids in three schools, so I had to find a close-by option. Most importantly, I had one week here in Germany before I had to start working, telecommuting to my job back home. The curse of every working mother with small children is the urgent necessity to find a place for the kids in order to be able to work. I had no choice; I had one option; I took it.

And with all that follows in this story, I have replayed that week in my mind a thousand times. I should have asked more questions, made more phone calls, visited more Kindergartens. I should have asked someone for help with making phone calls and translating (the University ?Welcome Center? here offered their assistance in the form of a link to the central G?ttingen Kindergarten website; a link that I of course had already found, thank you very much!). I should have taken a leave of absence earlier or quit my job (but we needed the money to be able to afford to live in Europe for the year!). I should have done this, or that. But, what I did is what I needed to, and was able to, do at the time. And nothing in parenting is ever perfectly executed.

For the first month of Kindergarten, Walter was happy enough. He seemed to be bonding with one of the teachers, a man who spoke English better than the other teachers and was happy to chat with Walter. Walter liked the toys, especially because we weren?t able to bring many with us here. He didn?t seem to be making friends, but he never makes friends quickly. They weren?t doing any projects or artwork of interest, but it was early in the year, the weather was nice, and things were seemingly just getting rolling.

I had to focus my mothering attentions primarily on the girls in those first six weeks of school. Anya had broken her arm, requiring multiple hospital visits, and making school all that much more worrying for her. Greta was getting used to German Gymnasium, a much more rigorous and independent schooling model than she was used to. And while Walter could get by slowly picking up a little German and still be fine in Kindergarten, the girls, especially Greta, had to learn German more quickly in order to participate and succeed in school here. It was an intense couple months.

By the end of September, things were getting easier for the girls. Meanwhile, Walter was becoming increasingly disgruntled with his school. He was bored by the lack of any curriculum or program; frustrated that the art supplies were subpar and art projects non-existent; he?d only sort of connected with a couple kids; and the activities each day seemed to consist of running around outside or at a gym, and not much more.

I asked the teachers if they could help him more with learning German and facilitate connections with other kids. I asked that they try to engage him with art or other creative activities. I started packing a drawing pad and some good pencils in his backpack, as well as a German picture dictionary he could use at school. However, when he took his drawing pad out at school, he became even more of a curiosity. Kids and teachers wondered what was wrong with him if he wanted to draw instead of engage in a game of chase.

Soon, Walter stopped drawing, at school and home. It had ceased being a source of comfort for him, and had become a source of ridicule, so he started to outright refuse to draw. In early October, I scheduled a conference with his lead teacher to see if we could make a plan to help Walter. She was very positive and supportive and offered suggestions like making more playdates with other kids, teaching Walter a German word-of-the-day, picking him up earlier. She also said she?d talk to Walter to let him know that he should always come to her if he had problems at school. I was more upbeat after the conference, as it was clear this teacher wanted to help.

But the next week when I picked him up one day, he had been fighting with other kids, and had pinched a teacher on the arm. The teacher was irate and asked that I control my child, or at least that?s what I think she said in her quick, angry German. One of the other teachers told me that perhaps the school wasn?t the right place for Walter. She later told me that that is not what she said, so perhaps that is just what I thought and therefore heard. Obviously clear communication was a big barrier; all of my conversations with Kindergarten personnel here have been in German, so my basic language skills have obviously undermined my ability to communicate the complexities of the situation.

I scheduled another conference, with his primary and secondary teachers. I looked up lots of words before the conference, and essentially wrote myself a script. I explained the kind of school Walter was used to in an attempt to help them understand why he was bored and frustrated, on top of the fact that he wasn?t able to communicate in German. I told them that if he were in an American Kindergarten he?d be learning how to read, and that he was not the type of child who enjoyed hours of mostly physical play outdoors. I explained his love of projects and art and science. At that, one of the teachers actually rolled his eyes. He insisted that Kindergarten is not the time for projects or science experiments or learning to read. Kindergarten is only for playing.

I started to look for another Kindergarten. I had been waiting it out, trying to reach the three-month mark I had been told by so many was the magical turning point for children going to school in a non-native language. But things had gotten out of control. Walter was miserable and these teachers were clearly not working as a team. If the daily chaos at the school was not enough evidence, my miserable child and the four different messages I got from the teachers clearly was.

I found a tentative spot in a Waldorf Kindergarten. Walter and I visited and it was just as much an interview of us as an interview of them. When I explained that Walter was frustrated by his current school because they didn?t do much more than free-play, she told me that that is more-or-less what they would do too. Nevertheless, the facility and program seemed more organized than the current Kindergarten. But Walter didn?t want to make another transition to a new place, and when I later asked if Walter could try the school for a couple days to see if it was a good fit, the spot had seemingly been claimed. Another spot I heard about at a Montessori Kindergarten was claimed before I could even make a call.

By now it was November and Walter was just plain angry. Every day was a huge battle to get him out the door. And when we arrived at the school, children groaned, or even openly mocked him. The teachers did nothing. Walter was convinced kids hated him because he wasn?t German, and I was beginning to believe him. One day I arrived and was told Walter was involved in a large fight; kids ran up to me to report the incident. Walter was crouched in a corner by himself. I asked the teachers what had happened, but they had all been out of the room. Nevertheless, they isolated Walter in a room by himself to keep him away from the other kids.

I had finally had enough. We talked to Walter that night and asked him if he would like to stop going to school, and stay home with me until we could find him another Kindergarten. The answer was an emphatic yes. The next day we collected his things from his cubby and left the school.

So Walter was at home with me, and I was trying to work, and although I eventually took a leave of absence, it didn?t start until early January. During this time, Walter became increasingly angry and withdrawn from the world. He had no friends or community, and really hated it here. He got angry when he heard anyone speaking German, and rarely wanted to leave the house. When he did go out, he often screamed and got anxious in the street, insisting that I hold his hand ever tighter.

The Millennium Falcon from above

Luckily the holidays provided some distraction, as did his increasing obsession with Legos and Star Wars. The Christmas Market, the anticipation of presents, and then finally a trip to Rome, gave him some positive experiences here. But he firmly maintained that he wanted to go home, and the daily meltdowns and rages persisted. He never slept through the night, and rarely could fall asleep until well past a reasonable bedtime.

We had Skype consultations with his beloved teacher from home, a counselor, and his pediatrician.? The latter two suggested we get him evaluated here to see if we could figure out his sleep and behavioral problems. Meanwhile, I was also trying to find him another Kindergarten, believing that if he could get out and make connections, he might feel better. I was overwhelmed by the logistics of all this, and the timing of finishing my job and celebrating the holidays made it all the more challenging.

I was sure that we were doing permanent damage to our child and that we should go home. I was so angry that the timing of this year was such that Walter got stuck between two systems, and that we?d traded a year of outstanding Kindergarten in Vermont for a Kindergarten train-wreck in Germany. During our time here, I?ve heard more and more about how inadequate the German Kindergarten system is. Random people on trains with whom I?ve chatted have told me how terrible Kindergarten is here. Academics who study German education have relayed to Jason the weaknesses in the German Kindergarten system. Other parents and Kindergarten teachers themselves have told me how frustrating the system is ? so few spots, and such poor quality; the system serves nobody?s interests.

We took Walter to see a leading child psychologist as well as an ENT (out of concern for potential sleep apnea). Remarkably, both said essentially the same thing: he?s angry and not sleeping because of Kindergarten. The ENT (a model spaceship geek whom Walter refused to let look in his ears, but who fascinated Walter with his quick drawings of the Millennium Falcon and model of the Starship Enterprise) told me that he thought German Kindergartens were horrible and doing children, especially boys, a disservice. He said the lack of structure and untrained personnel left children unhinged and ill-prepared for school.

The child psychologist was a bit more diplomatic, but told us that we absolutely had to find Walter a Kindergarten that could help him feel connected, and that would be difficult, as Kindergartens here were not strong at helping children with special needs anywhere on the spectrum. And Kindergartens were not good at dealing with diversity, rather expecting children all to blend into a uniform group. He offered to have his staff make some calls for us, or even look into Walter attending a program specifically for kids with special mental and emotional needs, but luckily I had found a Kindergarten that I thought might be a good (enough) fit.

The new Kindergarten is two blocks from our home, and had a fluke mid-year slot available because a child had moved away unexpectedly. I happen to check their website on the exact right evening, and showed up on their doorstep the next morning. It?s a city-run Kindergarten in a public Catholic school, so Walter could feel like he was in a ?real? school rather than a separate preschool. It only has only ten kids, including three others who also are non-native speakers, with two teachers plus an administrator. It?s a half-day program whose teachers also run an afternoon art program for school-aged children.

The director invited me to sit with her and share a cup of coffee on a sleeting, dark January morning. She listened to my woeful story about Walter?s troubles in Kindergarten. I watched as the children played quietly with Legos or cut-out clouds and snowflakes to create a winter scene for the windows. The level of calm and organization stood in stark contrast to the previous Kindergarten. Her open friendliness stood in contrast to most of other Kindergartens I?d visited. The director told me that they have the rare opportunity of having only ten kids, as most German Kindergartens had larger groups in order to help meet the demand from families.

Walter started ten days later. His first several days were a nightmare, filled with hitting, spitting, kicking and screaming, at school and at home. But, in a rare moment of rational mothering clarity, I told Walter this: ?I worked hard to find you a better Kindergarten. You have to go. We will be in Germany for 5 ? more months, and being here will be more fun for you if you have kids to play with and learn some German. You have to go to Kindergarten, and you have to participate in the activities and follow the rules. If you don?t, you won?t be allowed to go to first grade when we get home. Your friends will be in first grade and you?ll have to be in Kindergarten. Kindergarten is required before first grade. Those are the rules, so deal with it and stop this nonsense!?

Remarkably, this actually worked. Walter fussed, and still sometimes continues to fuss, but he accepted the fact that he had to do something he didn?t want to do. He?s been going to this Kindergarten for about six weeks now, and most days are pretty good. Most mornings he still complains about having to go to school, and when I leave him, he clings to me until I look him in the eye and tell him firmly that that?s enough.

His teachers report that he mostly speaks only German at school, and that he knew much more than they?d expected him to know. The sneaky boy had learned more than he would admit, but he was also finally in a place where he felt safe enough to go outside his English comfort zone. And best of all, he started drawing again! Each day ends with a half an hour of drawing during parental pick-up time. The kids get clean paper and baskets full of pencils and markers. Walter draws intricate ?Star Wars? scenes, and last week even a German ICE train. For me, this is the clearest sign that Walter is Walter again. His drawing is once again helping him feel better about a situation. He?s out of that dark hole that even his art could not reach.

Walter being Walter by drawing a German ICE train

This Kindergarten is not what he had before he came to Germany, or what he would have had if we?d stayed in Vermont for Kindergarten, but it is good enough for now. They aren?t doing science experiments, plays, elaborate art projects, or learning to read. The teachers spend lots of time chatting and drinking coffee together while the children play on their own. But, books are read, songs sung, birthdays celebrated, games played. And Walter is finally speaking some German and connecting with other children, learning to tolerate a situation that isn?t of his choosing, and he?s helping himself do these things by looking forward to drawing every day.

I continue to hear comments and stories from a diverse cross-section of people about how weak the Kindergarten system is here. For sure there are good Kindergartens; the Montessori and University-run bilingual (which is 45 minutes and two bus rides away from us, and has no free spots) programs being the two I consistently hear are good. And there are Kindergartens that are fine, like Walter?s current one. But there are plenty, like the first one, that are a mess.

And at the state and national level, the Kindergarten system in Germany seems to miss the point of its roots. While I?ve done no legitimate policy research, I?ve heard anecdotally, and experienced first-hand, that Kindergarten teachers here are not always very well trained. The educational requirements are minimal, and ongoing training is spotty. Additionally, by promoting the idea that kids should just become one of the group, rather than stand out as individuals with particular needs and ideas, the system both squanders the opportunity to take advantage of the learning capacity of very young children, and fails at promoting social equality because kids fall through the cracks.

Apparently state and federal governments here have defunded an interim option called Vorschule, which sounds a bit more like American Kindergarten. It was for 5-6 year-olds who were ready for more structure and formal learning. It?s been eliminated or drastically scaled back throughout the country, much to the chagrin of teachers at Walter?s current Kindergarten who said that kids like Walter were the primary beneficiaries of the program.

A friend here asked me why it mattered if Germany waits to teach kids to read or provide any kind of structured or project-based learning. She contends that German kids catch up anyway, especially those who later attend Gymnasium. I believe that weak early-childhood education options jeopardize the entire educational system because children, especially those with special needs, are not provided a strong foundation for their entire educational career. Special needs can mean learning disabilities, second-language children, social issues, or simply kids for whom a free-for-all setting does not work.

The German system in general requires kids to jump from one type of school to another, with very little preparation or soft landing. Kindergarten to first class is a large jump, and fourth class to Gymnasium is even bigger. German Gymnasium is criticized for being an elite option that promotes class and social division, but if Kindergarten were doing a better job as the social equalizer it was created to be, more kids would make it to Gymnasium.

Obviously our family?s experience is individual and unique in many ways. Walter was the victim of an unfortunate necessity to take the only option before us. I know that most Kindergartens here are not as horrible as his first one was. But I also know that when I tell professionals, researchers, parents and strangers on a train about our experience, they are full of other stories that underscore my opinion that German Kindergarten needs help. One woman whose grandchildren live in the United States said to me, ?If only the Germans would learn about Kindergarten from the Americans!?? As the band They Might Be Giants might sing in their song ?Where Do They Make Balloons??, ?Kindergarten comes from Germany, but Americans do it best!?

For Walter, I?m proud that he could overcome such a horrendous educational and social experience, and still come out of it with pencil in hand. I?m hoping that he?ll internalize the lessons of tolerance and making the best out of a less-than-ideal situation. Much of the time here, I?ve felt sad for Walter, that he hasn?t had the life-altering positive experience his sisters have had. But life-altering negative experiences can be even more powerful. For a boy who likes things his way, learning that not everything can be his way may be the best thing anyone could learn in Kindergarten.

Walter finally happy at Kindergarten!


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It'll Be A Hard Money Loan?If You'll Be Spending Like A Dog ...

Financing for commercial real estate is a completely different game when compared to residential mortgage loans. It moves much faster and is much more flexible.

Commercial Real Estate Tips ? What Are Hard Money Loans?

There is one thing you should always prioritize before anything else when considering whether to pursue commercial real estate, and that would be financing. Although there are a variety of commercial real estate loans on the market, we are going to look at hard money loans in this article.

Hard money loans for commercial real estate are often a matter of last resort. During times when you are in a financial bind and need to get out quick, you may have no other choice but to bite the bullet. Most of these loans come with significant upfront costs and astronomical interest rates. But because they can get granted without much review and because they can save you from the possibility of losing your commercial property, you may find yourself thanking your lucky stars for them.

These type of loans are considered very risky and are issued by private financing groups, not banks or lenders. The loans tend to be only available as the primary loan on the property, which isn?t that rare a situation in commercial property.

Hard money loans basically deal with the potential sales price of commercial real estate property, which makes them differ from home loans. The appraised value of the property will not, in any case, be considered by the other party mulling over your loan request. What would pique their curiosity and what would need to be reviewed would be the potential value of the commercial real estate property if it was to be sold, say, a few months following the loan?s approval. Different types of property would have different potential values depending on the condition, but usually the figure would be about one half to three fourths the appraised value of the property.

To summarize, a hard money loan serves its purpose by helping you get past those unexpected and urgent surprises. You should not misconstrue this as the final solution when trying to finance commercial property, and this should be your last line of defense. If it?s any consolation, this buys you time, but this is time that could cost a fortune. If you are in a tight spot and can resolve the problem with a few extra months time, a hard money loan may be the answer.

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Firmly Maintained Used Cars from Japan Are Business ...

Probably the most common method to sell pre-owned cars in Japan is through car auctions. Some online auctions just like the well-known Yahoo! Japan Auction are offered to members of the public to buy and sell vehicles. These auctions place forward an brilliant opportunity for customers to get vehicles direct from your end user without having to quest through a car dealership. Other auctions like HAA, CAA, USS and JU are only offered to authorized members in the auto industry. It?s the place dealers will present their trade-ins to other sellers and exporters.

Gone are the days when cars had been sold by a man with a gavel. Japan car auctions are presented on-line or through satellite link to buyers at the auction house contending with remote buyers via the web. In spite of the incredible popularity of the internet, buying cars online from Japan can still be a challenge. The reasons for this are: issues in establishing trust, language barriers and affair customs in Japan.

Japan is really a excellent place to obtain used vehicles simply because vehicles in this place are cautiously maintained, the roads well built and vehicles subject to the compulsory ?Shaken? examinations. Repair costs in Japan are really high so owners frequently prefer to buy new vehicles instead of repairing a hurt automobile. Also there are always appealing new models accessible which implies used vehicles devalue rapidly as buyers change their car for the most recent model. It means a fantastic opportunity is available to obtain cheap late model used cars from Japan.

Customers around the world also buy salvage cars from Japan simply because they?re cheaper than in other countries and place forward an option to repair and resell or dismantle for parts. Certainly one of the largest challenges when buying used vehicles would be to make certain that you have all the required auto spares to rebuild and repair a vehicle.

Excellent thing, numerous exporters from Japan also have a supply of used auto parts from Japan that may be bought and utilized when restoring the car.

Related Links: Used Cars From Japan, Japan Car Auctions


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Hematological Cancer Therapies: Pipelines, Markets, and Business ...

Hematological cancers arise from and are found in the blood, bone marrow, and lymphatic systems. The first hematological cancer to be identified was Hodgkin?s disease, or Hodgkin lymphoma, in 1832. Since that time, many different hematological cancers have been identified, including the various types of leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma, plus the myelodysplastic syndromes and myeloproliferative diseases. Altogether, hematological cancers represent a significant medical problem: The American Cancer Society estimated that there would be 140,310 new cases of leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma, combined, in the United States in 2011, and that 53,010 people would die of these diseases this year.

In this Report on Hematological Cancer Therapies, we focus on the many different types of leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma, and myelodysplastic syndromes and myeloproliferative diseases. Current pharmacological therapies that are used to treat these various hematological cancers are discussed. In addition, there is significant activity on the part of pharmaceutical companies to further develop a number of the currently available therapies for additional indications.

A primary focus of this Report is on pipelines of emerging therapies in development for treatment of hematological cancers. Specifically, the clinical development pipelines for leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, myelodysplastic syndromes, and myeloproliferative diseases are reviewed. Selected emerging therapies that are in Phase II or later stages of development are discussed in the text, while the extensive accompanying tables include these emerging therapies plus many additional earlier-stage therapies that are in development.

Published: February 2012
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In recent years, newer and more specific therapies for hematological cancers have been developed, such as targeted small-molecule drugs and biological therapies including monoclonal antibodies. However, there remains significant need from a clinical perspective, as well as challenges and opportunities for pharmaceutical companies. This report discusses:

  • The different types of hematological cancers, including information about the specific disease, its epidemiology, subtypes and/or staging if appropriate, current therapies, and patient prognosis.
  • Pipelines of emerging drugs for treatment of hematological cancers including leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, myelodysplastic syndromes, and myeloproliferative diseases.?
  • Business and strategic considerations relating to pharmacological therapy for hematological cancers, including assessment of the current market as well as potential markets for emerging new therapies.?
  • Major challenges and hurdles for companies developing hematological cancer therapies.?
  • Interviews with experts in the field of hematological cancers, which were conducted exclusively for this report.
Browse all CHI Healthtech Reports


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Is a New Apple TV Coming Next Wednesday? [Apple]

9to5mac says it has sources claiming a new Apple TV will arrive alongside the new iPad next week, and that it will feature a variant of the A5 processor capable of handling 1080p video. Can you say full HD AirPlay Mirroring? More »


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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Things You Need To Know About Private Tuition Session | Found ...

A tuition session, particularly the private one, lifts the pressure off a student as he or she needn?t keep up with the average learning pace in his or her class which can either be too slow or too fast. In this setup, the tutor can pay closer attention to the student thereby addressing the latter?s needs more effectively than a conventional classroom teacher can. By getting the much needed extra focus combined with the specialised attention made possible by this type of tuition session, a student can definitely achieve better grades than before.

Teaching a pupil at home has several advantages in store for everyone involved. What follows are but some of them. To begin with, homeschooling prevents the student from encountering negative influences that could possibly affect his or her attention retention. In a conventional classroom setup, negative influences are usual concerns..

Significantly improving one?s academic standing is another benefit of this type of tuition session where the student learns at his or her own pace. The tutor can closely monitor the pupil?s progress and reflect some adjustments in the lesson plan accordingly. The learning environment afforded by a private tuition session allows the home tutor to give regular as well as timely feedbacks since the focus is just on one student and not a whole class.

Furthermore, the student doesn?t feel burdened by the need to keep up with the fast learners or to tolerate the slow pacing of the others because the lessons taught in a private tuition session are tailored to his or her needs. It?s also possible to devote more time to learn a particular topic that he or she finds difficult to comprehend. These advantages lessen the chances that a student may feel depressed or frustrated.

Aside from the ones mentioned above, another advantage associated with homeschooling is the versatility it provides to the individuals involved. Because the schedule largely depends on the availability of the student and tutor, they have enough time to do other activities which can help them become well-rounded individuals. It is also possible to give adequate allowance in the event of sickness or other emergencies. Due to the various conveniences brought about by private tuition, it is not surprising to know that it?s a popular choice among parents, pupils and teachers alike.

What Makes A Private Tuition Session Appealing

The Private Tuition

What A Student Gets From A Private Tuition Session

What You Need To Know About The Private Tuition Session

Private Tuition Session Versus Traditional Classroom Instruction

Private Tuition From The Student?s Parent?s & Tutor?s View

Private Tuition Session And Its Benefits

Private Tuition Session And Unconventional Success

Private Tuition: Learning Outside The Classroom

Private Tuition: Transforming Your Home Into A Learning Environment

Categories: Education, Education, Reference & Education:Homeschooling

Click for further information on tuition agency singapore or tuition.. This article, Things You Need To Know About Private Tuition Session is released under a creative commons attribution license.

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Improving Your Life, One Home Improvement At A Time | Bill Keating ...

Home improvement projects could be rather tricky if you are not so handy or knowledgeable. Even though some undertakings could be handled without help, for far more significant fixes or enhancements, we advise utilizing, or at the very least consulting with a educated specialist. Difficulties with your home heating or air conditioner really should not be dealt with alone, because they are expensive and complicated pieces of equipment that will simply be broken. Should you be needing some repairs on your units, be sure to make contact with an HVAC contractor in Denver to have the work carried out properly.

A Home Improvement Guide To Finer Living

Your home can affect how you feel inside. If you are like most people, your time is split mainly between your home and your job. When you work from home, the comfort and functionality of your home has even more of an effect on how you live. Make your home a sanctuary, and you?ll be ready to take on the world. Here are some great ideas for making any home into a place you can truly love.

Focus on making your home as comfortable and relaxing as possible. Obtaining total perfection in your everyday life would become quite boring rather quickly. However, if there is an item of your home that causes irritation or discomfort, it will continue to be a mental thorn until you deal with it. It is important that you have high comfort, even in your computer chair. Getting a new mattress for your bed will also make a big difference in your comfort level and life.

Make your home bigger. Sometimes spaces become so outgrown that simply rearranging or reorganizing will not create the necessary improvements to environment. You should think about making an addition to your home. Minimal additions of space can make a huge difference in the look and feel of the rooms in your home.

Try to add more entertainment features to your home. Though pools or spas will dramatically increase a home?s value, workout rooms, thought less substantial, are still valued by potential buyers. Another great thing about adding recreation items is that they will enhance your home?s value.

The quality and placement of lighting can improve the overall feel of a room. Be sure to light up every nook and cranny. Experiment with different types of lamps and bulb wattage to create the desired ambiance for your home. You can do this on your own, or you can hire a professional.

Landscape your yard. Your neighbors will have fair justification to envy your beautiful and lush lawn throughout the year. Everyone loves the smell of green things and it improves everyone?s mood. Scatter some plants around the place to improve the quality of the oxygen, and breathe deeply.

Change your home?s exterior. This improvement may come from new paint or a new roof with coordinating colors. New windows can also create a fresh look. Whenever you make it home from a hard day, you will pull up to a nice place you love to call your home.

If you are happy with your house, you will want to stay there. When you make an investment in your home you will be happier as you make your home more valuable.


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5 Tips on Expanding Your Business Networking ... -

Business networking allows you to create new commercial relationships and maximize your opportunities in the industry. It allows you to meet ad gather with people with the same purpose as yours which is to succeed in this kind of endeavor. Doing business in a small circle can be your first step in networking however you must realize that you can maximize your business groups and experience a lot of benefits. To be able to do it, follow these 5 effective tips.

The first thing that you can do is hold a business event. In this occasion you need to get to know more your contacts or the people who are in the said event so that you will be able to gain their trust and confidence in sharing with you your business plans and their plans also. You must be willing to extend and welcome other people to join your current group. Through this, you will be able to continue and open your networking opportunities.

After that, you must not stop communicating with your contact after the event. You must be responsible enough to meet up with your soon to be potential business partner. You can schedule a business meeting with the person and talk about business. You can share each other?s views on how to extend and promote your products like for instance your sale on cheap stun gun. You are able to foster quality relationship with your contact when you are able to talk personally.

The third effective strategy is to practice a reward system. This will be a good invitation for other business-minded people to join your group and at the same time motivate those who are currently part of your networking. You must be able to appreciate any efforts and achievements done by a member by giving a worthy reward. For instance if the person was able to reach far beyond the quota in the sales of your small fry stun gun products then provide incentives.

Fourthly, you will be able to build a strong foundation of trust when you set an example as a reliable person. In business, people are too careful on whom to transact with since it involves money, assets and even your reputation. That is why if you want to gain the trust of other people, you must be reliable, with good morals and of course a man of your word. You must be able to do as what you promised.

Lastly, you must make sure that you are able to choose those who are motivated and really want to succeed in business. It would even be best if you include those have already made a name in the commercial industry. By working with people like this, you will be able to share your plans and achieve your goals together.

These are the five steps that you can follow when you want to maximize your business opportunities through networking. Your main aim must be to build a trusting and lasting relationship with the people in your group so that you will all together succeed in this kind of endeavor.

About Author Joseph Pressley :

Joseph Pressley is a certified TASER instructor and a Tae Kwon Do black belt and a father of two. He is the co-founder of which provides the best selection of stun gun and pepper spray for self defense. To learn more about these products, visit

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Article Added on Tuesday, February 28, 2012


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Rome man charged with battery, cruelty to children

by Lauren Jones, Staff Writer Rn T.Com

A Rome man was arrested and charged Saturday with simple battery under the Family Violence Act and three counts of cruelty to children along with a verbal probation warning, according to a Floyd County Jail report.

According to the report:

David Jason Palmer, 32, of 2419 Flannery St., was charged after he allegedly struck the victim across the face with a closed fist, leaving visible swelling and redness. He did this in the presence of three children.

He remained in jail Saturday night without bond.


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Monday, February 27, 2012

Carrier IQ opens up IQCare diagnostics platform to smartphone users

Carrier IQ has announced the extension of its IQ Care platform to enable mobile operators to share the insight gained with its customers. The analytics software measures diagnostic information on your phone relating to network usage, battery life and dropped calls. Previously it's only been available to customer care agents as they remotely diagnose your phone during a support call, but the platform is now being opened up so that data can be viewable on open customer service portals. It's hoped that people will learn how to resolve network issues, the company remarking that 40 percent of smartphones are returned, only to be found not to have any faults at all. It'll launch in the second quarter of the year and you can find out a whole heap more if you head on past the break.

Continue reading Carrier IQ opens up IQCare diagnostics platform to smartphone users

Carrier IQ opens up IQCare diagnostics platform to smartphone users originally appeared on Engadget on Mon, 27 Feb 2012 08:04:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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The Field Of Specialization Of Internist Dr ... - New Health and Fitness

New Health And Fitness.Org - Health Information You Can Use

Those professionals like Dr Steven Haber who have trained themselves in internal medicine are called primary care physicians. Their specialization lies not only in treating adults. Their specialization may also cover other fields such as surgery, pediatrics, and obstetrics.

For these professionals, dealing with the various problems of the patients is easy. With their training, patients can consult with them about common, rare, simple, and complex problems. Aside from that, they are also trained to provide answers to problems with regards to diagnostics.

It is also their good points that they can handle chronic and severe illnesses. A part of their training is also concentrated in providing answers for those instances where several different sicknesses strikes their patient at the same time. They can also educate their patients about wellness.

Theses professionals are in charge of taking care of people?s lives. An internist works in an office, clinic, hospice institution, intensive care units, and nursing homes. If the treatment requires a surgery, they are the ones responsible for coordinating with the proper medical professionals.

It is also a common thing for these professionals to choose to practice their expertise in general internal medicine. However, there are those who take additional trainings for further their knowledge in any of the subspecialized area of internal medicine. There are 13 areas on which internal medicine practitioners can choose from.

For an internist, there are 13 subspecialized area which he can choose from. For example, there is Cardiology which focuses on diseases of the heart. There is Nephrology which focuses on the functions and diseases of the kidney. Another one is the Medical Oncology which focuses on the chemical treatment of cancer.

Subspecialty training is oftentimes called fellowship. Medical professionals such as Dr Steven Haber have undergone such trainings to further their skills. In the case of the said professional, he furthered his skills in Pulmonology.

Find out more about Dr Steven Haber at our website

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Getting The Annual Eye Exams | Articles Beloved

Making an appointment for annual eye exams can be one of the best ways to catch any issues that may be looming in the background of the eyes. This is a great way to detect vision lost and especially important to the individual whose family genetics have a tendency to have poor eyesight. Developing a plan of action for these kinds of issues will be very beneficial for the patient to retain a healthy environment for the eyes.

The money spent for an eye exam if one had vision insurance would normally be free to the patient. Insurance coverage is one of those important features one should not ignore. Since these tests are very easy to complete most will schedule an appointment during their lunch break. There are others who want a little bit more time to purchase a pair of new glasses or try on colored contacts.

A seasoned professional will take care of the patients eyes with distance and clarity tests. The other tests for the eyes would normally be taken care of by his staff. If the patient is experiencing difficulties in general the doctor will order up a set of pictures of the eyes to see if there is something he can do.

Taking pictures of the eyes can be very beneficial for the doctor to see if there are any kind of issues at the present time. The time that is spent taking these pictures is very minimal and should last no longer than five to ten minutes if that. Catching the issue in the early stages will help the patient in the long run.

For the patients that wear eyeglasses on an everyday basis getting a second pair would not be a bad idea. In some cases the individual does not want the second pair of glasses to be the same so they pick a different frame and have the second pair as sunglasses. This is a very smart way to be prepared at all times especially if the patient is always on the go.

For the contact lens lover, glasses should also be a part of the individual?s prescription as there might be times when the individual might not feel like putting on their contacts. Most doctors will test their patients to see just where they are in terms of vision clarity and send them along with a pair of testers prior to purchasing. This is a very worthwhile trial period to see if the lens are comfortable and work well for the patient.

Eye exams are normally done within and hour or two depending if there are current issues. Once one completes the exam he should put it away in a place where he can easily retrieve them in a case of an emergency. If one does a lot of traveling for business or personal it would be very wise to keep this handy piece of paper in their possession. Any optometrist?s office can order the glasses or contacts off of that prescription within the year as expiration happens after one year and must be renewed before any contacts will be prescribed.

If you reside in New York, you should go to a New York Optician for your eye exam. With the Eye Exam Manhattan there is nothing to be afraid of.


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Afghan protesters hurl grenades at US base (AP)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]

A supporter of the Human Rights Network group wears a mask of U.S President Barack Obama with a noose around his neck while holding the U.S flag during an anti-American rally in Karachi February 26, 2012. About 20 supporters gathered to protest and condemn the burning of copies of the Koran at NATO's main base in Afghanistan on February 21, 2012.  REUTERS/Akhtar Soomro   (PAKISTAN - Tags: POLITICS CIVIL UNREST)AP - Demonstrators hurled grenades at a U.S. base in northern Afghanistan, and a gun battle left two Afghans dead and seven NATO troops injured Sunday in the escalating crisis over the burning of Muslim holy books at an American airfield.


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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Afghan ministry worker suspected in killing of U.S. officers (Reuters)

[unable to retrieve full-text content]Reuters - Afghanistan's interior ministry said on Sunday one of its employees is suspected of shooting dead two U.S. officers inside its headquarters a day earlier, an attack that prompted NATO to recall all its staff from ministries.


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Home Security Improvements for Winter |

During the winter months most homeowners are not so keen to ride on their roof, or spend some time looking for your house, but the coldest season of the year can also be a time when burglars are very active. It is important to spend a little time during the winter months on the outside of the house to examine all the weaknesses a thief or criminal can be put into use.

For example, many people leave a snow shovel in your front step or near its outside entrance. This is a great tool for burglars to use to his way into a window or door, or just the glass to access to a lock or padlock to get broken. Furthermore, this object can be easily placed in the middle of the inlet or the parking and outputs as a car owner remove paddle object, or may be easily overcome.

It is clear that these problems to indicate that break-ins are on the rise, and worse, there are many breaches of brass which occur each year. It is best to ?think ahead? and a home or property to allow non-tempting to try.

Another task that is easier to do in the winter months than at any other time of year is to investigate all windows and doors to areas weaknesses too. There is a lot of growth with respect to any area of ??the rest of the year? For example, if a window of a house has only a ?vision? in the winter months, it is very likely that he should be planned for severe pruning in spring.

Moreover, the darkness in the evening forcing a property to the insufficient amounts of outdoor meet, will be installed in your home. Some people may not realize that his fall runway unit, and a garage in complete darkness when the sun went down, but the seventeen sunsets December and early January can easily illustrate how dangerous this situation can be. Not only is the homeowner at risk of falling into the dark and ice of winter, but can also unseen by neighbors or passersby on the street. This means that criminals can use the darkness to hide while they try to get access to housing.

If an owner has not installed the weather stripping or other insulation around your windows and doors in the autumn months, January and February often a time when they are motivated to do it! This is a good time to ensure that windows and doors close properly and that all seals are in good condition. It only takes a few minutes for an experienced thief to ?case? of a house and they can easily identify with no windows and doors with locks easy to pick locks. Make sure the doors are not forgotten at this time! Just because the family or the owner is not using the glass doors to your backyard does not mean they are no threat to safety. If they are not the traditional Charlie bars ?in place, now it?s time to let them install.


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User:MichelsonDoney802 - Seattle Proteomics

From Seattle Proteomics

Should you are a type of people who find themselves in deep financial debt and have a tough time acquiring away from financial debt then this is the perfect write-up to provide you personal debt advice. Credit card debt is actually a problem for the lot of people in today?s world. Credit card debt is utilized to get mortgages, university student loans, car or truck loans and all sorts of loans. But mismanaged debt may result in monetary hell even for somebody who may make quite a bit of money. Finding the correct debt guidance will help you fix your entire economical woes. But gaining information about your cash problems will likely be challenging to get as a result of the multitude of advisers who just desire to generate profits out of your problems. Even so, there are lots of methods to enable you to by means of troubled fiscal waters. You are able to avail of the financial loan or possibly a debt consolidation mortgage.

The different varieties of financial loans you may get

Sound personal debt tips will inform you that you just need to harmony your personal debt and equity. Debt is required to help you buy factors later on so that you can utilize them now. And financial debt is in addition a good leverage to obtain house or long phrase investments for organization. However , you should be mindful once you get personal debt mainly because personal debt can bite you from behind if it can be mismanaged. Right here are some loans you can find that can help you in addition to some financial debt information to boot:

Car loans - Vehicle financial loans can assist you obtain the car you will need for your everyday commute. Obtaining a vehicle financial loan can help you finance a car for a set term of payment. But watch out of obtaining a car mortgage on a automobile you can not buy consistently. Lots of people fall into your lure of wanting a vehicle they cannot afford. As soon as you desire to own a particular vehicle, be certain that you can make the financial debt advicesucceeding payments aside from the down cost.

Mortgage loan - A mortgage has numerous interest rates depending about the property you'd desire to get. Like most financial loans, it's essential to pay for a down payment to be able to possess a home. Therefore you should really be aware in the household you end up picking simply because you might not find a way to purchase it.

Financial debt Consolidation Loan - A credit card debt consolidation personal loan will let you make a one-time fee for all your loans and credit rating. This sort of loan can combine distinctive sorts of credit card debt so that you can make one particular fee on all of them. In spite of the different fee phrases and interest rates, a consolidated mortgage can modify its costs and payment terms to the wants. You can request your money consultant within the ideal credit card debt tips after you will get a personal debt consolidation loan.

Positives and negatives of the credit card debt consolidation personal loan


   You could combine all of your current debt and make a single fee for all of them.    You can obtain a lower rate of interest in contrast to an unconsolidated bank loan.    You can also make the 1 fee at a specified date later on as opposed to cost to your other credit card debt.     You can get a lessen interest rate which can assist you make the cost speedier.    You can make the cost more rapidly and might enable you to preserve your cash for the other desires. 


    Consolidated financial debt providers really don't all give the same minimal rates of interest.     The greater cost you may really need to make as a consequence of the consolidated character in the credit card debt.    It's essential to spend by the due date and while using right sum.    Locating the appropriate corporation may be really hard for the reason that some personal debt consolidation corporations don't give audio financial debt information. 

It is a short checklist of what a personal debt consolidation can perform in your monetary versatility.

Here is often a online video on five suggestions to get from financial debt:

Superior Personal debt Vs. Bad Credit card debt

Great debt guidance will inform you that you just should find out proper personal debt administration. You ought to be ready to manage by yourself from paying for merchandise which you can't buy. It is best to also consider that entitlement will direct to terrible financial debt. It's essential to function hard for that things you get. Many individuals drop into ponzi schemes as a consequence of their promise of obtaining rich brief. You need to have the ability to discern the great investments through the lousy types. You'll be able to talk to a fiscal planner to lay out your finances and cut back on things you don't will need. You can stick to the following fundamental financial debt suggestions:

1. You'll want to stay clear of getting things on impulse. Many people drop into adverse credit card credit card debt on account of purchasing sprees on issues which they evidently usually do not have to have. You do not have to be miserly but be certain that your paying is conscientious.

2. When you've got to receive a 2nd loan to buy something that is actually a red flag. Keep away from using out 2nd financial loans to buy items that you simply are not able to pay for.

3. Minimize again paying by walking instead of taking your vehicle into a close by shop.

4. Another guidance could well be to cook your own personal foodstuff as an alternative of continuously taking in out.

5. An additional debt guidance would be to stay clear of purchasing high priced automobiles or luxury items simply to continue to keep up with all the Joneses.

Source: debt advice


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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Fitness Exercise Balls ? How to Choose the Best Exercise Ball ...

Whether you are wishing to lose weight or tone up muscles using fitness exercise balls can prove very effective in achieving your goals. As you will soon discover when considering purchasing this piece of fitness equipment there are many different types to choose from. So choosing the right one for you can prove somewhat of a challenge.

When it comes to purchasing one of these exercise balls you need to make sure that the one you get is the right size for your height. The best way for you to determine which size ball is going to be right for you is to actually sit on them. When you do sit down on them the ball that is the right size for you will be the one that ensures that your hips are either level or slightly higher than the level at which your knees are.

After purchasing your fitness exercise ball before you begin using it there are certain things you need to do first.

It is important that you make sure that the area in which you will be working out has lots of space as you will be moving around on it quite a bit to do certain exercises.

Another thing to do is also make sure that the area where you are working is free of any debris. Although fitness exercise balls are constructed from good quality rubber or PVC vinyl they can steel be punctured.

Finally it is important to ensure that you remain safe when using this piece of equipment that the floor surface isn?t slippery. If you need to place an exercise mat underneath the ball to prevent it from sliding away from you as you do your exercises.

Learn More about Fitness Exercise Balls

This entry was posted in Articles and tagged Ball, balls, Best, Choose, Exercise, Fitness by Bob. Bookmark the permalink.


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HP Confirms Plans to Launch a Windows 8 Tablet This Year

? February 25, 2012Posted in: NewsFeed

HP CEO Meg Whitman has big plans for the future, that include a Windows 8 tablet this year. The info comes from The Wall Street Journal, quoting the HP official who says that it?s time to rebuild after a year of disappointment. After the Palm takeover it all went downhill for HP, who almost shut down the entire mobile division at some point.

The company was ready to give up tablets and smartphones alltogether, after having to get rid of the HP TouchPad stock, by selling the tablet for $100 a piece. Now the slate has become a hobby for Android porters, who try to bring Android 4.0 via custom software such as CyanogenMod 9. Now, HP wants to get into cloud computing, security and tools for the business segment. This sounds very much like Microsoft material, so it?s wise to go with Windows 8 this time, not Android or webOS.

The HP TouchPad ran webOS and it was canceled two months after it was launched. Leaks uncovered that there was also a 7 inch unit in the making, but that one also got canned. I wonder what format HP will adopt for the Win 8 slates this time. They have to be careful not to ship a behemoth of a tablet with poor battery life, but a flimsy little tablet is also something they wouldn?t want to deliver. I?d go with an 8.9 inch unit with a 10mm or so waistline, an Intel CPU of the new generation and maybe a decent camera thrown in there.

Related posts:

  1. HTC Confirms Honeycomb Update for Flyer a Bit After Launch
  2. Windows 8 and Microsoft Tablet Plans Detailed by Intel Exec
  3. Windows 8 Tablet @ CES 2011? Microsoft Has Big Plans for Next Month?s Tech Show

? February 25, 2012Posted in: NewsFeed

HP CEO Meg Whitman has big plans for the future, that include a Windows 8 tablet this year. The info comes from The Wall Street Journal, quoting the HP official who says that it?s time to rebuild after a year of disappointment. After the Palm takeover it all went downhill for HP, who almost shut down the entire mobile division at some point.

The company was ready to give up tablets and smartphones alltogether, after having to get rid of the HP TouchPad stock, by selling the tablet for $100 a piece. Now the slate has become a hobby for Android porters, who try to bring Android 4.0 via custom software such as CyanogenMod 9. Now, HP wants to get into cloud computing, security and tools for the business segment. This sounds very much like Microsoft material, so it?s wise to go with Windows 8 this time, not Android or webOS.

The HP TouchPad ran webOS and it was canceled two months after it was launched. Leaks uncovered that there was also a 7 inch unit in the making, but that one also got canned. I wonder what format HP will adopt for the Win 8 slates this time. They have to be careful not to ship a behemoth of a tablet with poor battery life, but a flimsy little tablet is also something they wouldn?t want to deliver. I?d go with an 8.9 inch unit with a 10mm or so waistline, an Intel CPU of the new generation and maybe a decent camera thrown in there.

Related posts:

  1. HTC Confirms Honeycomb Update for Flyer a Bit After Launch
  2. Windows 8 and Microsoft Tablet Plans Detailed by Intel Exec
  3. Windows 8 Tablet @ CES 2011? Microsoft Has Big Plans for Next Month?s Tech Show


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