Saturday, March 31, 2012

Cross-Cultural Conflict Avoidance ? Maximum Change Inc

While avoiding allows conflict to go unresolved or projects responsibility on to others for solving the problem (Fletcher, 2012), it does not allow these individuals to preserve important goals, values and ideas ? nor does it allow them to preserve relationships (Elmer, 1993, p 36). From a Westerner point of view, the ideal that avoiding conflict somehow causes it to go away most often creates the dynamic in which the individual ends up with weak or superficial relationships and little to no influence on important decisions (Elmer, 1993, p 36). However, Elmer (1993) does argue that strategic withdrawal can be a wise choice when emotions are running high and if the confrontation may cause someone to act unwisely or lose control (p 39). Conflict avoidance is also wise when the potential consequences of confrontation are too serious (Elmer, 1993, p 39). As Elmer (1993) puts it, avoiding conflict can be a sign of wisdom and maturity in some cases and in others it may signal an unwillingness to discuss important issues or a refusal to take a stand on a given decision (p 39).

Compromising within conflict resolution in fact seeks to set a middle ground between two parties (Fletcher, 2012). However, Elmer (1993) argues many simply give in to accommodate or smooth over the differences (p 39). Some may see most issues as negotiable and differences not worth fighting about (Elmer, 1993, p 39). Those who are more apt to accommodate are most often willing to forfeit personal goals and values and can be taken advantage of since they are most likely unable to say no (Elmer, 1993,? p39). Contrary to the Western view of conflict resolution, our Asian counterparts are more likely to work to prevent conflicts or avoid them altogether (Fletcher, 2012).


Fletcher, Juanita (2012). ?Retrieved from her posting: Blackboard Dialogues for Doctorate in Strategic Leadership, Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA.

Elmer, Duane (1993). Cross-Cultural Conflict. Building Relationships for Effective Ministry. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.


Philip A Foster, MA is Founder/CEO of Maximum Change Inc.?Elevating leaders and their organizations to the next level since 2005. Master Certified Coach, Philip A Foster, MA and his associates facilitate effective positive change by helping organizations, leaders and individuals in high demand ? design and implement strategies that maximize focus and deliver results. Specializing in Organization and Strategic Leadership.

Email | LinkedIn | Facebook | Twitter | Web | Skype: philip.a.foster | 615-216-5667

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Friday, March 30, 2012

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Interview with Calum Kerr ? founder of National Flash Fiction Day ...


To read Calum Kerr?s
SOARING, click here.

Calum Kerr?is the author of ?31? and the online collection, Flash 365 ? an ongoing project where he writes a piece of flash fiction every day for a year, to May 2012. He?s been teaching creative writing since 2001, he?s the managing editor of Gumbo Press, he blogs with unmitigated audacity and right now, he?s organising the inaugural NATIONAL FLASH FICTION DAY which is set to explode across the UK on 16th May 2012.

Hi Calum, welcome to my blog. That?s a LOT of flash? what inspired you to write a piece every day for a year?

Available on Kindle

Well, there were a few things. First there was NaNoWriMo. I did that in November 2010 and really enjoyed writing every day. I missed the discipline of it when it was over. Then, in January 2011 I did something similar, but with flash, and wrote a story every day for a month. The result ended up as the book 31. ?Again, after that was over, I missed it. So, taking inspiration from the poet, Max Wallis, and his blog ?Something Every Day? I decided to do flash365. I thought it would be good for my writing, might raise my profile, and if nothing else I would have a huge bank of stories to submit to magazines and competitions.

A lot of people planning that kind of output would opt for a novel but you?ve created hundreds of flash pieces. Some have already been played on Radio 4, what are you going to do with the rest? Do you have themes running through, with a view to publishing collections, or was it just a wild creative outpouring?

It?s a mix of the two. I knew it would be hard to do it with no structure at all, just hoping for stories to present themselves. So ten of the months have themes for the prompts ? Paint Colours, Barbara Cartland book titles, Cities and Towns of the world ? but there is no theme to the stories themselves. Within each month I go where the prompts take me, but at the same time I try to vary things like voice, style, tone, genre etc. In part it?s to keep readers interested, but it also stretches me as a writer. Some themes have emerged, but not on purpose. As for putting together a collection, Salt are publishing a batch from November where the prompt was to have them all in the same place at the same time, and I think it will be easy enough to gather together like stories, but it wasn?t the intention.

The other two months, by the way, May last year and the approaching April, have no theme and no prompts. They are completely wild to be whatever they turn out to be. Last May they were completely random, but I think next month I might take the chance to revisit some of the earlier stories and characters as well as writing new things.

It?s like watching someone run sequential marathons, you?re the iron man of flash fiction! How do you sustain that kind of creativity ? do ideas pop up spontaneously, or do you go looking for them?

I think I answered this in the last question! However, in terms of turning prompts into stories, sometimes things present themselves in the way they do for all writers I guess, a compelling character, an event from the day, something you suddenly want to talk about. At other times, when it?s difficult, I have to fall back on good old fashioned creative writing exercises. I design a character, I decided on a plot arc, or whatever, and then I work through that. Mostly, though, they come fairly easily and that has certainly become more true over time. Practise helps!

What advice would you give someone who wanted to start writing flash?

Just do it! There is not the same investment of time as in a novel or even a longer short story, so what?s the worst than can happen? So, if someone wants to do it, they should sit down and do it! That said, they need to remember that even though it?s short it still needs to be a complete story with some sense of resolution. And they need to remember that when there are so few of them, every word carries a lot more weight so they need to be chosen carefully. Apart from that, I?d tell them to have fun. Flash is great to write and read, and should be enjoyable. That doesn?t mean it needs to be funny, just that it shouldn?t be thought of as work.

Does flash fiction need to contain all the components of a longer piece ? a ?story arc?, with beginning, middle and end ? or can it be a snapshot, a description of a moment?

Erm. Can I be equivocal and say ?both?? The problem with a question like this is that we get into the fuzzy boundary between flash-fiction and prose-poetry. I think the ?moment? on its own is more the province of the latter, but if the moment suggests a larger story then it?s the former. So, it doesn?t need to have the full arc of a story, but it should at least suggest it.

National Flash Fiction Day ? what inspired you to set it up?

Well, basically, National Poetry Day. My friend, Jo Bell, runs that, and when it came around in October last year it made me wonder if there was a National Flash-Fiction Day I could be involved with. There wasn?t, so I contacted a bunch of writers and asked them if they thought it was a good idea. They did, word started to spread, and the rest is history.

So far there?s been a micro-fiction competition, a call for flash submissions for a print anthology (open ?til 10th April, folks), and we have a series of regional projects taking off ? what else would you like to see happening?

Click to see NFFD events by region.

Well, still more events and projects. We now have them all over the UK, but there is still room for more ? especially in Scotland, Northern Ireland and, surprisingly, London. In this first year I have had very few expectations. If we continue into future years then I might decide I want specific things, but at the moment I?m just grateful to all those who are giving up their time and effort to organise things.

One thing that I aim to do for the future is to try and engage with more ?closed? events. This would be where schools/colleges/universities/writers groups do things just for themselves for the day. But this year has already been enough, I think. A good start!

What will you be doing on May 16th?

Well, I?m an associate lecturer in Creative Writing at the University of Winchester, so it seemed a shame to not do something there. As a result I will be holding a ?Write-In? where I am encouraging as many students and staff as I can to drop into a room, pick a prompt out of a bucket, write a flash and then blog it. We have a 4 hour slot and want to see how many stories we can get. I shall be opening this out online too, for the world to take part, so hopefully it will be huge!

On the evening I will be holding an event at the City Library in Southampton with Vanessa Gebbie, Holly Howitt and other writers. We will be reading, talking about flash, hopefully playing some videos from other writers, and launching the anthology. Should be a great evening!

And then, on the 17th, I?m going to sleep.


Calum, thank you so much for taking time out from your very busy schedule to speak to us here ? National Flash Fiction Day looks all set to be a truly amazing experience!

Please note, everyone?s welcome to join in and there will be more nearer the day ? see the links above and these:

Events for UK writers.

International writers.

Calum Kerr?s homepage.

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Humanities symposium planned to expand curriculum | Campus Times

Julia Sklar, Presentation Editor

A one million dollar endowment has been given to the College of Arts, Sciences and Engineering by UR Alumnus and Trustee Bernard T. Ferrari and his wife Linda Gaddis Ferrari for a yearly humanities symposium and related curricula.

?The symposia allows us to expand on the research and teaching that UR faculty do, enabling us to bring to campus experts in fields of interest to the broader community,? Dean for Humanities and Interdisciplinary Studies Thomas Dipiero said.

Set to feature public talks from visiting scholars with a focus on the 14th to 17th century humanistic thought, the symposium hopes to bring a greater appreciation to the beauty of art, literature and history. The symposia will take place annually and will consist of several events, with the next one set to take place in the spring semester of 2013. Talks of having them span throughout a semester and possibly the entire academic year are also on the table.

The symposium will also offer half- or full-semester long courses designed to bring a ?wide variety of humanistic inquiry to a broad cross-section of the undergraduate population? Dean Dipiero said.

This semester, nine faculty members are participating in ?The Art and Science of Time,? a series of classes in conjunction with the inaugural visit of Anthony Grafton, the Henry Putnam Professor of History at Princeton University, who gave the keynote lecture entitled ?Maps of Time: Science, Scholarship, and History in Early Modern Europe? in the Carlson-Hawkins Room in Rush Rhees Library on March 21.

?He lent us his experience as the past president of the American Historical Association, and he shared his thoughts on the future of graduate education in the humanities,? Dipiero said.

?[The symposium] is a catalyst to the work we do and shows significant progress in in humanistic studies,? History Professor Richard Kaeuper said. ?Having world-renowned scholars will boost interest as well as give recognition to how important the humanities are to students and the university. To students this is a validation of their studies.?

?It?s one of the banes of being a humanities major that I have sort of accepted,? said senior and American History and literature double major Nicole St. James said. ?UR is well-known for its top-notch science programs and often times the humanities seem underrepresented.?

?People gloss over them because they aren?t as research based,? Olufemi Watson, a health and medical communications interdepartmental major, said. ?Nine times out of ten no one is giving donations to them. This was the perfect avenue to generate new enthusiasm for the humanities both within the student body and the faulty.?

Ferrari is a Rochester native and graduate from the College of Arts and Sciences in 1970 with a bachelor?s degree in science cum laude, and a graduate from the School of Medicine and Dentistry with a medical degree in 1974. He serves the University as a trustee and a member of the Meliora Challenge Campaign Cabinet.
Ferrari and his wife are also Charter Members of the George Eastman Circle.

?The study of the humanities provides people with the ability to appreciate beauty and better appreciate life,? Farrari, who first took interest in the arts when he took a course in Medieval and Renaissance era architecture and art, said. ?The arts have relevance to solving today?s problems when that knowledge is brought together with science and other disciplines.?

He added that art helped to keep him grounded through his rigorous studies in science and medicine.

Johnson is a member of the class of 2013.


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Thursday, March 29, 2012

Guerlain cosmetic empire heir convicted of racism

(AP) ? A French court convicted longtime perfume maker Jean-Paul Guerlain of making racist insults on national television and fined him Thursday ?6,000 ($8,000).

The 75-year-old Guerlain, an heir to his family's cosmetics empire, provoked anger among French minorities with the comments in a 2010 interview on France-2 television. He used a French word for black people in a derogatory way as he described how hard he worked to create one of the company's most famed perfumes.

Several anti-racism groups filed legal complaints, and protests were staged in front of the Guerlain store on the Champs-Elysees avenue in Paris. Some called for a boycott of Guerlain products.

Guerlain apologized to France's black community during the trial, calling it an "imbecilic" remark.

He was convicted in a Paris court. The judge did not sentence him to any prison time, though the charge could have allowed a sentence of up to six months behind bars.

"I am from another generation," he said during the trial, so part of the remark was "a common expression at the time." He also said he did so during a TV interview because he "wanted to make the journalist laugh and I regret it."

"I was anything but racist," he said, standing before the court with the help of crutches.

Lawyers for the SOS Racism association said Guerlain abused the national platform he was given.

The company distanced itself from Guerlain, who had retired at 65 but remained a consultant.

Guerlain is the great-great-grandson of the founder of the Guerlain cosmetics company, now owned by LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton.

LVMH was embarrassed last year when designer John Galliano ? who worked for LVMH subsidiary Christian Dior ? was convicted of anti-Semitic comments.

Associated Press


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China prepares for retirement home boom as population ages ...


Yang Junjie says she enjoys the freedom of living in a retirement home, where she indulges in her hobby of making boxes from plastic beads until the early hours.

BEIJING ??Yang Junjie lived through most of China?s tumultuous twentieth century. Now, at 82 years of age, she has a new challenge: getting to grips with a Sony Playstation.

Living at the Yanda retirement center, close to Beijing, Yang receives some of the the most luxurious elderly care available in China. The center boasts medical care from doctors flown in from South Korea and Japan, and even pipes water from its own underground hot springs.

Sitting on a titanic sofa, Yang said she enjoys life in her ?European style,? apartment (Yanda also offers Japanese and Chinese-style interior decoration), where she stays up until the early hours of the morning, watching Korean soap operas. In the afternoons, she zips around Yanda?s grounds on one of the two electric scooters parked outside her apartment door. ?I don?t want to live at home with my son,? she said. ?I prefer the freedom of living alone.?

Afternoons at Yanda are spent learning rather than napping. A ?University of the Aged,? provides dance and painting classes for the retirees. ?A lot of our residents are former professional artists, so we encourage them to teach classes as well as study,? Zhou Sujuan, head nurse at Yanda, said.


Yanda's elderly residents taking part in weekly pool-classes.

Yanda also has boasts cavernous underground pool hall, dimly lit rooms for late-night Mahjong tournaments, and a sauna. The spiritual needs of Yanda?s residents are also catered for by dedicated Catholic and Protestant Chapels, as well as a?miniature?mosque. On a Friday afternoon, a small group of adventurous retirees take turns popping virtual balloons using the Yanda?s Playstation 3, which was a gift from the local government.

China?s elderly care market is itself set to balloon over the next few decades, as the country?s population ages rapidly. Partly as a result of China?s so-called ?one child? policy, one third of China?s population will be over retirement age by 2050, according to government estimates. But China only has enough retirement facilities to care for 1.6 percent of its elderly, compared with 10 percent in developed countries like the US, according to a World Bank report. ?The industry is due for an explosive period of growth,? Zhou said.

One factor slowing the growth China?s retirement industry are traditional beliefs that children should care for their parents themselves, making Chinese people reluctant to leave their relatives in retirement homes. Yanda hopes to solve this problem by recreating a family atmosphere away from home. Unlike most Chinese hospitals, where staff are referred to with formal titles such as ?Nurse Wang? or ?Doctor Liu,? Yanda?s nurses are addressed directly by their names, Zhou said.

One Yanda

One Yanda resident gets to grips with a Playstation controller.

China won?t find it easy to pay an expansion in elderly care. Many of Yanda?s clients are retired government and military officials, who Zhou refers to as a ?Red Aristocracy.? They receive bonus pension payments which easily cover most of Yanda?s fees. But the majority of China?s elderly population lives in impoverished rural areas, where they subsist on a state pension which is far from the amount needed to pay for a retirement home.

That?s why China?s government is supports the industry directly: Yanda gets tax breaks from the local government, as well as a small subsidy for each resident. But Zhou offers a word of caution for anyone hoping to profit from China?s growing elderly population. The overwhelming poverty of China?s retirement-aged population means that most of China?s retirement centers will have to be operated on a non-profit basis, she said. ?Chinese old people are mostly poor, and our industry has to adjust to that fact,? she said.


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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Cindy Crawford: ?I Tease My Daughter That She Stole Everything From Me?

Cindy Crawford, 46, mother of two (to son Presley, 12, and daughter Kaia, 10) chatted with about balancing her busy career and motherhood. She also opened up about her daughter Kaia?s budding modeling career. Check out some highlights: On her 10-year-old daughter Kaia?s recent photo shoot… ?I loved it. I thought she looked great. [...]


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Monday, March 26, 2012

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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

NRL tests robotic fueling of unmanned surface vessels

NRL tests robotic fueling of unmanned surface vessels [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 20-Mar-2012
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Contact: Daniel Parry
Naval Research Laboratory

WASHINGTON--Engineers from the NRL Spacecraft Engineering Department (SED) successfully demonstrate the robotic fluids transfer from a stationary platform to an Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) in wave heights greater than three feet. The Rapid Autonomous Fuel Transfer (RAFT) project exhibits the ability to track the motion of a Sea Fox naval vessel, safely emplace a magnetic refueling fitting to an on-board refueling receptacle and successfully complete fluids transfer.

Under current circumstance, USV refueling demands that a grappled connection, usually by hand, be made between the USV and the refueling vessel.

"Refueling a USV at sea, particularly in adverse weather or in high sea states, can prove difficult and often dangerous," said Dr. Glen Henshaw, Attitude Control Section, SED Control Systems Branch. "Transferring our extensive knowledge and proven success of robotic spacecraft servicing can prove equally successful in reducing risks at sea."

Providing the host ship the capability to refuel USVs without the need to bring them aboard ship enhances mission efficiency and reduces host ship exposure. This works to improve the effectiveness of naval USV missions and decrease risks to personnel and potential damage to vessels and equipment.

Experimenting with both fully autonomous and human-controlled operations at the U.S. Army Aberdeen Test Center wave simulator facility, NRL engineers completed approximately 60 trial refueling attempts at sea states ranging from zero, or calm seas, to 3.25, or maximum wave heights in excess of three feet, with a demonstrated high rate of success.

Funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the Rapid Autonomous Fuel Transfer (RAFT) project teamed NRL with Clemson University, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) and Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR). NRL was the lead robotics integrator and designed the robotics system.

Further robotic transfer tests will possibly include land-based autonomous HMMV (High-Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle) applications without the need to stop driving and on-air Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) refueling.

The USV Sea Fox was developed for Navy missions to provide force protection with more flexibility in Enhanced Maritime Interdiction Operations and safer Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) gathering to aid in threat assessment, decision-making, and situational awareness, prior to escalation to lethal actions.


The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory's Spacecraft Engineering Department (SED) serves as the focal point for the Navy's in-house spacecraft bus capability. Research and development activities range from concept and feasibility studies through initial on orbit space systems operation. SED's Robotics Engineering and Control Laboratory serves as a national test bed to support research in the emerging field of space robotics including autonomous rendezvous and capture, remote assembly operations, and machine learning.

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NRL tests robotic fueling of unmanned surface vessels [ Back to EurekAlert! ] Public release date: 20-Mar-2012
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Contact: Daniel Parry
Naval Research Laboratory

WASHINGTON--Engineers from the NRL Spacecraft Engineering Department (SED) successfully demonstrate the robotic fluids transfer from a stationary platform to an Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) in wave heights greater than three feet. The Rapid Autonomous Fuel Transfer (RAFT) project exhibits the ability to track the motion of a Sea Fox naval vessel, safely emplace a magnetic refueling fitting to an on-board refueling receptacle and successfully complete fluids transfer.

Under current circumstance, USV refueling demands that a grappled connection, usually by hand, be made between the USV and the refueling vessel.

"Refueling a USV at sea, particularly in adverse weather or in high sea states, can prove difficult and often dangerous," said Dr. Glen Henshaw, Attitude Control Section, SED Control Systems Branch. "Transferring our extensive knowledge and proven success of robotic spacecraft servicing can prove equally successful in reducing risks at sea."

Providing the host ship the capability to refuel USVs without the need to bring them aboard ship enhances mission efficiency and reduces host ship exposure. This works to improve the effectiveness of naval USV missions and decrease risks to personnel and potential damage to vessels and equipment.

Experimenting with both fully autonomous and human-controlled operations at the U.S. Army Aberdeen Test Center wave simulator facility, NRL engineers completed approximately 60 trial refueling attempts at sea states ranging from zero, or calm seas, to 3.25, or maximum wave heights in excess of three feet, with a demonstrated high rate of success.

Funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), the Rapid Autonomous Fuel Transfer (RAFT) project teamed NRL with Clemson University, Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) and Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR). NRL was the lead robotics integrator and designed the robotics system.

Further robotic transfer tests will possibly include land-based autonomous HMMV (High-Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle) applications without the need to stop driving and on-air Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) refueling.

The USV Sea Fox was developed for Navy missions to provide force protection with more flexibility in Enhanced Maritime Interdiction Operations and safer Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) gathering to aid in threat assessment, decision-making, and situational awareness, prior to escalation to lethal actions.


The U.S. Naval Research Laboratory's Spacecraft Engineering Department (SED) serves as the focal point for the Navy's in-house spacecraft bus capability. Research and development activities range from concept and feasibility studies through initial on orbit space systems operation. SED's Robotics Engineering and Control Laboratory serves as a national test bed to support research in the emerging field of space robotics including autonomous rendezvous and capture, remote assembly operations, and machine learning.

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AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing institutions or for the use of any information through the EurekAlert! system.


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Monday, March 19, 2012

Stocks set to slip ahead of Apple news

By news services

Stocks are set to slip Monday from nearly 4-year highs as investors wait to hear what Apple will do with its massive $98 billion cash stockpile.

But futures pointed to a higher open for the Nasdaq as Apple Inc , the world's most valuable company, was due to hold a conference call on the outcome of talks about its cash balance, with expectations it will declare a dividend for the first time since 1995. Shares in the iPad maker climbed 2.9 percent to $602.28 in premarket trade.

The S&P 500 capped its fifth straight weekly gain, with its best week in three months on Friday. The index has risen in seven of the past eight sessions for a 4.5 percent climb.

"With the market having posted five consecutive winning weeks, investors will be looking for additional fuel as we march towards 1,440, the next key level," for the S&P, said Andre Bakhos, director of market analytics at Lek Securities in New York.

"The Apple call this morning could end the early morning hesitation and put us back on track."

United Parcel Service Inc will pay 5.2 billion euros ($6.85 billion) for Dutch peer TNT Express in a deal making UPS the market leader in Europe.

Economic data expected on Monday include the National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo March housing market index at 10 a.m. ET.

After the closing bell, Adobe Systems Inc is set to post quarterly results. The mean estimate of analysts surveyed by Thomson Reuters is for a profit of 57 cents a share for the software maker.

Dun & Bradstreet Corp, which provides commercial information on businesses, said local employees in China may have violated U.S. anti-bribery laws. It suspended operations at a local unit while it conducts an inquiry.

European stocks lost ground early Monday, slipping from 8-month highs last week as investors waited for more evidence of improvement in U.S. and European economies before chasing the market's brisk 2-month rally. The Nikkei ended slightly higher.

Reuters contributed to this report.


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Do You Know How Green Tea Maintains Healthy Bodies? | Lottery ...

Well it?s no secret that green tea is filled with incredible healing powers, and the scientific community will probably study this plant for many years to come. Millions of people all over the world love drinking tea, and green tea is even more special because of all the healing properties it contains. However if you have the desire to take advantage of all green tea has to offer, then you should drink it every day. The rest of this article will discuss what green tea has to offer and why you should make it part of your daily life.

Green tea can be an excellent, yet mild, stimulant that is attractive to those who don?t like caffeine drinks, etc. If you would like a stimulant drink that won?t make you nervous or jittery, then green tea is an excellent choice. Since it is a healthy substance that increases your metabolism, it?s also good for people who are trying to lose weight. Coffee has roughly twice as much caffeine as green tea. Some of the energy drinks on the market are so high in caffeine that it causes unpleasant side effects for some people. An excellent stimulant plus many healthy benefits makes green tea very attractive for lots of people.

Practically everyone has heard the word, antioxidants, and they are incredibly powerful for the effects they have on the body. You?ll be spreading a net of protection around you due to the antioxidants contained in green tea. Green tea has the most wonderful antioxidant called, EGCG (epigallocatechin-3-gallate), and the uses for it in your body are numerous and very healthy. That is the same as what you?ll find in vegetables and fruit, although there are obvious differences, etc. We heartily recommend fresh fruit and vegetables, of course, but you?ll get that great antioxidant from the tea.

The type of antioxidants in green tea, called catechins, are also effective at treating and preventing infections and reducing the damage done by harmful bacteria. Then there is food poisoning which could be helped and supported by the antioxidants in green tea. A regular regimen of green tea consumption will only make your body more resistant to various infections. Of course, you still should stay away from unhealthy foods or those that are no longer fresh, but when you do ingest such things, regular consumption of green tea can help minimize the problems they cause.

Green tea is an amazing food, and for a lot of reasons; but the effect of it on our entire body is apparent.

We have every reason to be hopeful that even more healthy giving benefits of green tea will be revealed. Our entire body can benefit in so many ways from this tea; plus possible ways we don?t yet know about. So we really feel there is every good reason to bring green tea into our lives for good. Want to learn more? Visit: superfoods

There are excellent, unique, and powerful benefits of green tea; and what else will come out is anyone?s guess. This food is flexible because you can take it as capsule, other food alternatives, and of course drink the tea. If you take it regularly, you will enjoy more of the benefits.


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American Cancer Society is a Political Operation Supporting Tax ...


The American Cancer Society is just another hack political organization used by the Democrats as a front for political support.

?Yes on 29 ? Californians for a Cure, Sponsored by the American Cancer Society California Division, Inc., American Lung Association in California, American Heart Association and Cancer Research Doctors.

Major funding by Lance Armstrong Foundation and American Cancer Society California Division, Inc.

Guess what? Lance Armstrong is from Texas. Why is it OK for a millionaire Texan to be meddling in California?s tax hiking new law but not me, a poor Illinois blogger?

Further, some of those other big-money cancer charities aren?t based in California, either! Just having an office in California doesn?t count for being California-based. So why are they a natural for California and I am not??

Lance Armstrong runs his political organization, using ?cancer? as the ?cause? to promote tax increases, slush funds for ?scientists? and deficits for the people of California, among the States he is working hard to kill off.? (of course as a Texan Lance understand this, kill off California and Texas grows and prospers)

Do not give to the American Cancer Society, the American Lung Society?if you really want to donate to tax increasing Democrats give your money directly to Jerry or Barack?why use the middle man?


American Cancer Society Attacks Me by Name Over California Tax Grab

by Warner Todd Huston, Publius Forum,? 3/18/12

Oddly enough, a coalition of big tax hikers in California, including the American Cancer Society, has attacked me by name for daring to write about?Proposition 29, a California ballot measure that will appear on this year?s ballot. Prop 29 will force Californians to foot the costs of nearly a billion dollars in new and unnecessary spending on the airy claim that the funding will somehow cure cancer and stop kids from smoking. Sounds a bit like Obama?s claims that his election would lower sea levels, stop global warming, make the U.S. beloved again, and put a unicorn in every garage, doesn?t it?

The accusation?leveled against me is that I am ?in bed with Big Tobacco.? Naturally, these left-wingers don?t bother with any proof. They just hang the claim out there and leave it at that. If I am working with Big Tobacco, I have to say that their checks are late. I didn?t even get a cool Joe Camel T-Shirt, the ingrates!

But imagine. This coalition of deep-pocketed, big government-loving entities is coming after me by name. Seriously. Have you ever heard of billion dollar groups like these attacking a single blogger like this? It truly is a new world.

I certainly have written about Prop 29 many times over the last year, that I admit. But another hilarious line used against me in essence calls me a carpetbagger for doing so:

Ask yourself, does Chicago-based Warner Todd Huston really care about California?s budget?

Ah, I see. I have no right to blog about California because I am in Chicago? in a state that ranks second in corruption and budget disasters only to, um, California. In fact, everything I have written about Prop 29 comes from sympathy with California?s tax-raped citizens because I am?in the same mess here in Illinois!

Still, let?s look a little closer at this claim that a Chicagoan should somehow not be allowed to write about Prop 29, shall we? Take a look at the bottom of this big-money group?s?webpage that attacks me. There you will see the name of Lance Armstrong whose big money charity,?the Lance Armstrong Foundation, is supplying ?major funding? ? this group?s own words ? to the fight to pass Prop 29.

Yes on 29 ? Californians for a Cure, Sponsored by the American Cancer Society California Division, Inc., American Lung Association in California, American Heart Association and Cancer Research Doctors.

Major funding by Lance Armstrong Foundation and American Cancer Society California Division, Inc.

Guess what? Lance Armstrong is from Texas. Why is it OK for a millionaire Texan to be meddling in California?s tax hiking new law but not me, a poor Illinois blogger?

Further, some of those other big-money cancer charities aren?t based in California, either! Just having an office in California doesn?t count for being California-based. So why are they a natural for California and I am not?


Now, the idea of Prop 29 is to fund the so-called?California Cancer Research Act. This new legislation would raise nearly a billion dollars of new taxes to fund new buildings and invent hundreds of new state jobs ? jobs that will result in even more state pensions to overload the already underwater California pension program ? allin perpetuity, and ostensibly to ?cure? cancer.

Aside from the porkbarrel spending, the funding is supposed to go for new cancer research, as if there isn?t already enough cancer research going on in scientific circles today. Infuriatingly for Californians, even as their economy is struggling, they are losing?real jobs by the hundreds every month, and businesses are moving out of the state in droves, this new law?won?t require that the taxes raised even be spent in California! That means in a day when Californians are already some of the highest taxed citizens in the country, even more of their money is going to be taken from them and possibly spent?in other states to fund this ?research.? In some cases, then, Californian?s new taxes won?t even benefit the state!

Other than creating cushy new state jobs, the taxes raised are also supposed to go for non-smoking campaigns. However?smoking is declining steadily nationwide despite the current non-existence of the California Cancer Research Act so, why this nearly billion-dollar new legislation is needed to stop people from smoking is anyone?s guess.

The attack page against me also makes a few outright fraudulent claims. For instance, the claim that the CCRA provides ?important taxpayer safeguards and strict financial accountability? is laughable. The truth is that the politically appointed board that will run this new boondoggle is?not accountable to either voters or lawmakers. Their decisions are autonomous and untouchable.

In conjunction with the fraudulent claim that the CCRA is fiscally responsible, this group claims that, ?California?s leading doctors, scientists and researchers, not politicians? will administer the program. But seeing as how the program is?actuallyadministered by a committee of 9 people, 6 of which are political appointees, this claim hardly seems to ring true! And the other three are taxpayer funded educators from California?s university system, so even they can?t be expected to be taxpayer advocates!

The group also claims ?12,000 new jobs? will be created and this will increase economic activity in California. But will it? Unfortunately, it is far more likely to increase redistribution of income from taxpayers to government placemen and lackeys, instead of creating?real jobs and?real economic activity. This is all just government spending, not real economic benefits to California. If nothing else, President Obama has proven that this Keynesian fantasy of government overspending does not equate to a better economy. It hasn?t worked in Washington and it won?t work in California with the CCRA.

The group also makes all sorts of pronouncements on how these new taxes on tobacco will bring in billions in funding for these ?new jobs.? This all violates the basic law of nature that taxing something gives you?less of that something. The assumption that smokers will simply continue handing over higher and higher amounts ad infinitum for their tobacco products is absurd. And taxes on tobacco in California have already been raised multiple times to fund other government boondoggles.

The fact is, projected revenue will not likely keep up with the claims of Prop 29?s supporters. If revenues aren?t realized, where will these big spenders go when it doesn?t materialize? That?s right, back to the legislature to get more. After all, once a government program is begun it never wants to?cut its spending, right?

Some taxpayer advocates in California have already noted that funding won?t keep up with demand for this new boondoggle. David Kline of the California Taxpayers Association?says, ?We don?t think it makes sense to create a new body of political appointees to oversee this money when the money coming in simply won?t be enough to keep the program going. The fact that they are all political appointees raises the issue of whether there will be more politics involved than hard science or real budgetary expertise.?

Just so.

My sister-in-law lives in California and she tells me they are firing school bus drivers in her town and eliminating bus routes because funding has dried up. So, while essential services like education are seeing budgets slashed, Prop 29 would spend billions on?new programs? It hardly makes sense.

Then there is this class warfare, anti-capitalist line of tosh:

Warner Todd Huston never tells his readers that Prop 29 will stop $804m leaving California?s economy for the pockets of the Tobacco Barons back east.

Really? So Californians shouldn?t buy a TV or computer for fear of enriching those pockets of the Chinese companies that produce them? How about cars? Should California strive not to put money in the pockets of rich Detroit auto companies? Should Californians buy nothing not made in California? Is that even possible? This is just anti-capitalist, emotional drivel.

Amusingly, as these people are attacking me as a tool of ?Big Tobacco? they?ve relied on a tool of Big Labor to use his Facebook page to smear me. One place these attacks on me are posted is the?Facebook page of Los Angeles resident Michael W. Evans, a man whose name?appears on nearly every?left-wing petition for big-government programs and Big Labor efforts in the city! Evans is also a member of the extremist left-wing group?, a George Soros-funded extravaganza. Expose?that, American Cancer Society! Do you think your donors will be happy that you are in bed with George Soros, a man that has publicly claimed to be an activist against the United States of America?

After all this, I am a bit surprised that they didn?t wish cancer on me just so I know how it feels! Sheese.

But, call me duly ?exposed.? Yes, I am writing about the boondoggle that is Prop 29, a new law that will impose a whole new tax burden on overtaxed Californians. Yep. That?s me. Ya got me. I am duly chastened.



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