Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Labret piercing | DSCDU Directory

Are you among the many people who enjoy looking at body art? If you are then you must be into body piercings and tattoos. There has been a significant increase in people who are into body piercings throughout the world. Body piercings are actually not a new fad since it has been in existence for even thousands of years. Indigenous tribes have been using body piercings as part of their passage to manhood. Labret piercing for example was used by the American Northwest coast Indians as a sign that a tribe member has grown into manhood. Labret piercing within this tribe is limited only to male members who have reached the age of manhood. Labret piercing was also used by the ancient Aztecs and Mayans to denote higher caste status among their male members.
Labret piercing describes the process of attaching jewellery to the facial lip or the labrum. Specifically, labret piercing is done between the bottom the lower lip and above the chin. Although the area to be pierced is soft, labret piercing cannot be done by yourself. You will need the help of a professional piercer for this so that the piercing can be done as smooth and as sterile as possible to prevent the onset of infection. Having your piercings done by an expert will also ensure that there will be no deformation or tearing of the skin. When you are going to have a labret piercing for the first time, these are the steps that you should follow:
1. Before deciding to have a labret piercing, discuss with your piercer all the important facts and aspects of the piercing that will be done to you. These aspects include the piercing procedure, the possible problems that might be encountered during the piercing process, the type of jewellery that is to be placed, the amount of healing time and the aftercare for the piercing while it is still healing. Knowing all these things will help you decide if you are going through with it or not.
2. When you are decided, the piercer will then begin the piercing process by marking small dots on both the inside and outside of your labrum to check for the right spot for your labret piercing. At this point, you can check carefully by using a mirror if the spot is in the place that you want it to be.
3. The piercer will then measure the thickness of your lip in order to determine the exact length of jewellery that will be placed through the labret piercing. Because there will be little swelling after the piercing, the length of the initial jewellery should be long enough to accommodate this swelling.
The actual piercing is done when the piercer pulls your lip from your face so that he can align the needle at the correct angle. The piercer will then push the needle through and the jewellery will then be put in place. At this point, you may feel a lot of pain as the needle passes through but you should bear it without moving to prevent any tearing of the skin.

Ashleigh loves everything to do with body art, she particularly enjoys body piercing and some of the history associated with it . For more information on Labret Piercing please visit Ashleighs located at http://www.traguspiercinginc.com.


Source: http://www.dscdu.com/2011/10/02/labret-piercing/

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